The main family: background and prospects

  • Irina Eliseeva St. Petersburg State University of Economics
Keywords: main family, family structure, married couple, legislation, depended children, type of family, female preponderance, abortion, dwelling, tendency


The article looks at the trajectory of changes in the composition and size of the Russian family in the Soviet period, the transition from the predominance of a complex family to the predominance of a simple family, from having many children to having few. The author focuses on the influence of the state on the Russian family through such an effective instrument as legislation and the radical exclusion of religious institutions from the registration of demographic events. Attention is drawn to the transition from the policy of undermining the family structure in 1918-1920 to the formation of the image of the family as the "basic unit of society", the perception of marriage as an act of state. The impact of legislation on reproductive behavior, especially of unmarried women who are trapped in traditional morality, is emphasized. The significant influence of gender disproportions on nuptiality after the Great Patriotic War is noted. The development of the Russian family is associated with housing conditions and the formation of the housing market. Among nuclear families, the parent-child family stands out, which is interpreted as the main family from the standpoint of reproductive and social reproduction and the immediacy of contacts between two generations. The features of the main family are emphasized: the presence of a heterogeneous married couple and one or two dependent children.

Attention is drawn to the increasing diversity of main families and their modifications in the context of the characteristics of the family, the nature of marital and intrafamilial relations. The bottlenecks of domestic statistics are noted, which complicate the analysis of marriage and family relations. A conclusion is made about the ambivalence of modern Russian society and the nonlinearity of the process of family modernization, including recurrent tendencies.


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How to Cite
EliseevaI. (2020). The main family: background and prospects. Demographic Review, 7(4), 6-35.
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