Демографический дайджест

  • Илья Савельевич Кашницкий Центр миграционной политики


  • Coleman D., S. Basten, F. C. Billari. Population — The long view
  • Billari F. C. Integrating macro- and micro-level approaches in the explanation of population change
  • Livi-Bacci M. What we can and cannot learn from the history of World population
  • Kreager P. Population theory — A long view
  • Sear R. Evolutionary contributions to the study of human fertility
  • Reher D. S. Baby booms, busts, and population ageing in the developed world
  • Van Bavel J., D. S. Reher. The baby boom and its causes: what we know and what we need to know
  • Lutz W., E. Striessnig. Demographic aspects of climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Demeny P. Sub-replacement fertility in national populations: Can it be raised?
  • Teitelbaum M. S. Political Demography: Powerful trends under-attended by demographic science
  • Basten S., Q. Jiang. Fertility in China: an uncertain future
  • Coleman D., S. Basten.  The death of the West: An alternative view
  • Bongaarts J., C.Z. Guilmoto. How many more missing women? Excess female mortality and prenatal sex selection, 1970-2050
  • Shon J.-L. P. K., G. Verdugo. Forty years of immigrant segregation in France, 1968-2007. How different is the new immigration?
  • Sobotka T., É. Beaujouan. Two is best? The persistence of a two-child family ideal in Europe
  • Esping-Andersen G., F. C. Billari. ∙ Re-theorizing family demographics
  • Anderson T., H.-P. Kohler. Low fertility, socioeconomic development, and gender
  • Doocy S., E. Lyles, T. D. Delbiso, C. W. Robinson, The IOCC/GOPA Study Team. Internal displacement and the Syrian crisis: An analysis of trends from 2011–2014
  • Fakih A., M. Ibrahim. The impact of Syrian refugees on the labor market in neighboring countries: Empirical evidence from Jordan
  • Bircan T., U. Sunata. Educational assessment of Syrian refugees in Turkey
  • Yaylacı F. G., M. Karakuş.  Perceptions and newspaper coverage of Syrian refugees in Turkey


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Billari F. C. (2015). Integrating macro- and micro-level approaches in the explanation of population change // Population Studies, 69(sup1): 11–20

Livi-Bacci M. (2015). What we can and cannot learn from the history of world population // Population Studies, 69(sup1): 21–28.

Kreager P. (2015). Population theory — A long view // Population Studies, 69(sup1): 29–37.

Sear R. (2015). Evolutionary contributions to the study of human fertility // Population Studies, 69(sup1): 39–55.

Reher D. S. (2015). Baby booms, busts, and population ageing in the developed world // Population Studies, 69(sup1): 57–68.

Van Bavel J., D. S. Reher (2013). The baby boom and its causes: What we know and what we need to know // Population and Development Review, 39(2): 257–288.

Lutz W., E. Striessnig (2015). Demographic aspects of climate change mitigation and adaptation // Population Studies, 69(sup1): 69–76.

Demeny P. (2015). Sub-replacement fertility in national populations: Can it be raised? // Population Studies, 69(sup1): 77–85.

Teitelbaum M. S. (2015). Political demography: Powerful trends under-attended by demographic science // Population Studies, 69(sup1): 87–95.

Basten S., Q. Jiang (2015). Fertility in China: An uncertain future // Population Studies, 69(sup1): 97–105.

Coleman D., S. Basten (2015). The death of the West: An alternative view // Population Studies, 69(sup1):107– 118.

Bongaarts J., C.Z. Guilmoto (2015). How many more missing women? Excess female mortality and prenatal sex selection, 1970-2050 // Population and Development Review, 41(2), 241-269.

Shon J.-L. P. K., G. Verdugo (2015). Forty years of immigrant segregation in France, 1968-2007. How different is the new immigration? // Urban Studies, 52(5): 823-840.

Sobotka T., É. Beaujouan (2014). Two is best? The persistence of a two-child family ideal in Europe // Population and Development Review, 40(3): 391–419.

Esping-Andersen G., F. C. Billari (2015). Re-theorizing family demographics // Population and Development Review, 41(1): 1–31.

Anderson T., H.-P. Kohler (2015). Low fertility, socioeconomic development, and gender equity // Population and Development Review, 41(3): 381–407.

Doocy S., E. Lyles, T. D. Delbiso, C. W. Robinson, The IOCC/GOPA Study Team. (2015). Internal displacement and the Syrian crisis: an analysis of trends from 2011-2014 // Conflict and Health, 9(1): 33.

Fakih A., M. Ibrahim (2015). The impact of Syrian refugees on the labor market in neighboring countries: empirical evidence from Jordan // Defence and Peace Economics, 0(0): 1-23.

Bircan T., U. Sunata (2015). Educational assessment of Syrian refugees in Turkey // Migration Letters, 12(3): 226-237.

Yaylacı F. G., M. Karakuş (2015). Perceptions and newspaper coverage of Syrian refugees in Turkey // Migration Letters, 12(3): 238–250.

Как цитировать
КашницкийИ. С. (2016). Демографический дайджест. Демографическое обозрение, 2(3), 202-224. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v2i3.1779
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