Демографический дайджест

  • Илья Савельевич Кашницкий Центр миграционной политики


  • Liefbroer A.C., A.-R. Poortman, J.A. Seltzer. Why do intimate partners live apart? Evidence on LAT relationships across Europe
  • Vitali A., F.C. Billari. Changing determinants of low fertility and diffusion: a spatial analysis for Italy
  • Grigoriev P., E.M. Andreev. The huge reduction in adult male mortality in Belarus and Russia: is it attributable to anti-alcohol measures?
  • Scherbov S., D. Ediev. Does selection of mortality model make a difference in projecting population ageing?
  • Tamborini C.R., C. Kim, A. Sakamoto. Education and lifetime earnings in the United States
  • Marshall E.A. Population projections and demographic knowledge in France and Great Britain in the postwar period
  • Matsudaira J.D. Economic conditions and the living arrangements of young adults: 1960 to 2011
  • Janssen F., V. Rousson, F. Paccaud. The role of smoking in changes in the survival curve: an empirical study in 10 European countries
  • Janssen F., F. van Poppel. The adoption of smoking and its effect on the mortality gender gap in Netherlands: A historical perspective
  • Van Raalte A.A., M. Myrskylä, P. Martikainen. The role of smoking on mortality compression: An analysis of Finnish occupational social classes, 1971-2010
  • Kelly L.A., S.H. Preston. The contribution of a history of heavy smoking to Scotland’s mortality disadvantage



Liefbroer A.C., A.-R. Poortman, J.A. Seltzer (2015). Why do intimate partners live apart? Evidence on LAT relationships across Europe // Demographic Research. 32: 251-286. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.4054/demres.2015.32.8

Vitali A., F.C. Billari (2015). Changing Determinants of Low Fertility and Diffusion: a Spatial Analysis for Italy // Population, Space and Place (early view). URL: http://doi.org/10.1002/psp.1998

Grigoriev P., E.M. Andreev (2015). The huge reduction in adult male mortality in Belarus and Russia: is it attributable to anti-alcohol measures? // PLoS One. 10(9). e0138021

Scherbov S., D. Ediev (2016). Does selection of mortality model make a difference in projecting population ageing? // Demographic Research. 34(2): 39-62. URL: http://doi.org/10.4054/DemRes.2016.34.2

Tamborini C.R., C. Kim, A. Sakamoto (2015). Education and Lifetime Earnings in the United States // Demography. 52(4): 1383-1407. URL: http://doi.org/10.1007/s13524-015-0407-0

Marshall E.A. (2015). Population Projections and Demographic Knowledge in France and Great Britain in the Postwar Period // Population and Development Review. 41(2): 271-300. URL: http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1728-4457.2015.00047.x

Matsudaira J.D. (2015). Economic conditions and the living arrangements of young adults: 1960 to 2011 // Journal of Population Economics. 29(1): 167-195. URL: http://doi.org/10.1007/s00148-015-0555-y

Janssen F., V. Rousson, F. Paccaud (2015). The role of smoking in changes in the survival curve: an empirical study in 10 European countries // Annals of Epidemiology. 25(4): 243–249. URL: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.annepidem.2015.01.007

Janssen F., F. van Poppel (2015). The adoption of smoking and its effect on the mortality gender gap in Netherlands: A historical perspective // BioMed Research International. 1–12. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/370274

Van Raalte A.A., M. Myrskylä, P. Martikainen (2015). The role of smoking on mortality compression: An analysis of Finnish occupational social classes, 1971-2010 // Demographic Research. 32: 589-620. URL: http://doi.org/10.4054/DemRes.2015.32.20

Kelly L.A., S.H. Preston (2016). The contribution of a history of heavy smoking to Scotland’s mortality disadvantage // Population Studies. 70(1): 59–71. URL: http://doi.org/10.1080/00324728.2016.1145727

Как цитировать
КашницкийИ. С. (2016). Демографический дайджест. Демографическое обозрение, 3(1), 114-143. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v3i1.1766
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