French fertility is the highest in Europe. Because of its immigrants?

  • Sabrina Volant French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies
  • Gilles Pison French Museum of Natural History and French Institute for Demographic Studies
  • François Héran Collège De France and French National Centre For Scientific Research (Institut Convergences Migrations)
Keywords: births, fertility, total fertility, immigrant women, native-born women, France, European comparisons


With a total fertility rate of 1.9 children per woman in 2017, France was close to replacement level.
Is this due to the presence of immigrants, as is often claimed? Using new data from the latest annual census surveys, Authors estimate the contribution of immigrant women to French fertility and compare the situation in France with that of its European neighbours. Immigrant mothers account for 19% of all births in France today. The total fertility rate of immigrant women is higher than that of native-born French women (2.6 children versus 1.8 in 2017), but as only a minority of women are concerned, their births increase the French fertility rate by just 0.1 children, from 1.8 to 1.9 children per woman in 2017. With or without immigrants, fertility in France is among the highest in Europe.


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How to Cite
VolantS., PisonG., & HéranF. (2020). French fertility is the highest in Europe. Because of its immigrants?. Demographic Review, 7(1), 118-126.
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