Reproductive attitudes of Russians and how they regard government measures to support fertility

  • Irina Osipova Public Opinion Foundation (FOM)
Keywords: fertility, reproductive intentions, desired family size, family policy, efficiency


This article is written on the basis of a survey conducted for the Agency for Strategic Initiatives by the Public Opinion Foundation and other surveys. The research is devoted, on the one hand, to the reproductive attitudes of men aged 18-55 years and women 18-45 years old. On the other hand, it explores how people relate to measures of demographic policy – both those already existing and those under consideration – and to their effectiveness.

The research shows that the most desired family model in terms of the number of children has not changed over the past ten years. People still want (in ideal conditions) two children. However, people’s desires don’t fully coincide with their intentions. Only one fourth of respondents say that they plan to have another child. The rest are stopped by material difficulties – a lack of stable sources of income sufficient for the birth and upbringing of another child. For this (but not only this) reason, the most popular demographic measures today are material – the maternity capital, the  repayment of mortgage obligations for large families, and a monthly childcare allowance until the child reaches 1.5 years of age.

Demographers, however, doubt the effectiveness of such measures in terms of increasing birth rates, and the survey data confirm their doubts. Despite the fact that most respondents believe that demographic policies affect fertility, only a few took them into account when deciding whether or not to have a baby.


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How to Cite
OsipovaI. (2020). Reproductive attitudes of Russians and how they regard government measures to support fertility. Demographic Review, 7(2), 97-120.
Original papers