The gender gap in life expectancy: a review of genetic, social, and value factors

  • Julia Zinkina Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Andrey Korotayev National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: gender gap in life expectancy, biological factors of the gender gap in life expectancy, social factors of the gender gap in life expectancy, smoking as a factor of the gender gap in life expectancy, alcohol consumption as a factor of the gender gap in life expectancy


A female advantage in life expectancy is found all over the world, despite differences in living conditions, women's status and other factors. However, the female morbidity rate is higher. This paradox is based on both biological and social factors. Among biological factors can be noted hormonal differences (the predominance of estrogens compared to androgens) and karyotypic differences – for example, progressive distortion of X-chromosome inactivation, telomere depletion, mitochondrial inheritance, etc. Health behavior makes a significant contribution:  men are less likely to see a doctor, less likely to control cholesterol and blood pressure, tend to have a less healthy diet, and are more likely to engage in risky behaviors. A special contribution is made by smoking (in Russia it causes up to a 5-year gap in life expectancy between men and women, and in Europe  is still the most important cause of gender differences in mortality) and alcohol consumption (men drink more often than women, and male drinkers consume alcohol more often, in larger quantities and with a higher risk of adverse effects than female drinkers; in some countries, this factor explains up to 30% of the gender gap in life expectancy). Value explanations for the factors of gender differences in life expectancy are not limited to data from cross-national value surveys. It seems appropriate to include in this category explanations associated with the dominant notions of masculinity. 


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How to Cite
ZinkinaJ., & KorotayevA. (2021). The gender gap in life expectancy: a review of genetic, social, and value factors. Demographic Review, 8(1), 106-126.
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