Patterns of demographic processes in European Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries: experience of analyzing the registers of three Orthodox parishes

  • Vlas Ryazanov Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Russia, historical demography of the 18th and 19th centuries, nuptiality, fertility, mortality, parish registers


The article examines the registers of three Orthodox rural parishes in geographically different parts of European Russia (35 thousand records of birth, marriage and death) as a source of information on the demography of the country in the mid-18th - mid-19th centuries. The results of processing this data provide an estimate of the overall dynamics of the social and economic well-being of the population during a period when years of improvement of all demographic indicators were interrupted by crises of varying length and severity. These processes had uneven effects on different territories. The parish in the non-Chernozem zone outside the Moscow  suburbs showed the best dynamics for the period, while the figures of the Chernozem parish were persistently lowered by high mortality among both children and adults and the Moscow region parish was characterized by later marriage. Since all three parishes represent the rural Russian Orthodox population, these differences can be explained by other socio-cultural characteristics and specific features of these areas.


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How to Cite
RyazanovV. (2021). Patterns of demographic processes in European Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries: experience of analyzing the registers of three Orthodox parishes. Demographic Review, 8(3), 20-41.
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