Long-term care for the elderly and disabled people: motivations for turning to various care providers

  • Oxana Sinyavskaya National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Elizaveta Gorvat National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: external care, long-term care, care providers, population preferences, focus groups, interviews, elderly people


The last years of life are often accompanied by health deterioration, the emergence of functional limitations that prevent the preservation of autonomy, and, as a result, an increasing need for long-term care. The unavailability of care or its poor quality can negatively affect the quality of life.

This paper contributes to the discussion about the organization of long-term care. In the domestic scientific literature, the institutional features of the organization of long-term care and the functioning of various care providers have been largely studied, but there are practically no studies of the preferences of various population groups that shape the demand for care. The aim of this paper is to analyze the preferences and willingness of the population of Russia’s regions to turn to providers of formal and informal care for the elderly and people with disabilities.

The empirical basis of this paper is data of focus groups and semi-structured interviews conducted in the Republic of Tatarstan (2020-2021) and in the Republics of North Ossetia-Alania and Karelia and in the Oryol region (2019). The results of qualitative studies show that the population of the regions is rather conservative about long-term care. In a situation of hypothetical choice, older people would prefer the help of relatives, and younger people in general are ready to provide it, sometimes requesting support from professionals. At the same time, among formal care providers, state social workers are most in demand. A common feature of attitudes towards the long-term care system is the unwillingness to pay for care.


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How to Cite
SinyavskayaO., & GorvatE. (2021). Long-term care for the elderly and disabled people: motivations for turning to various care providers. Demographic Review, 8(4), 60-80. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v8i4.13876
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