Self-preservation behavior of the working-age population of Tatarstan

  • Mikhail B. Denisenko National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Vladimir А. Kozlov National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Elena V. Selezneva National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Oxana V. Sinyavskaya National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: mortality, health behavior, risk factors, healthy life-style, Tatarstan


Life expectancy is defined by a group of factors, one of which is self-preservation behavior. In this paper we look at patterns of self-preservation behavior and its main determinants in a Russian region with a relatively high life expectancy – the Republic of Tatarstan. The paper is based on a mixed-method research design. Quantitative methods are used to analyse the data from a study conducted in 2020 about the reproductive and self-preservation behavior of the Tatarstan population. Qualitative methods are applied to the results of focus groups and in-depth interviews with experts conducted at the same time. The study revealed that risk factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption are more common among people with low levels of education and income, among rural people, among Russians more than Tatars, men more than women, and older people than young people.  Tatarstan’s prevention programmes reduce the inequalities in access to healthcare services and lead to positive attitudes towards them.


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How to Cite
DenisenkoM. B., KozlovV. А., SeleznevaE. V., & SinyavskayaO. V. (2022). Self-preservation behavior of the working-age population of Tatarstan. Demographic Review, 9(1), 56-82.
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