Collection of demographic data on transgender respondents: methodological recommendations

  • Yana Kirey-Sitnikova Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity
Keywords: transgender, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation


Human sex is a multicomponent system that consists of biological sex, social sex (gender), and psychic sex (gender identity). While this complex system can be reduced to binary categories of “women” and “men” for the purposes of most social and psychological studies, such a simplification is not acceptable in the case of intersex and transgender respondents. The present article seeks to give practical recommendations to researchers wishing to collect demographic data on transgender respondents, taking into consideration the multidimensional and variable character of sex/gender. We review some negative examples, such as the addition of a “third sex” category, the mixing together of gender identity and sexual orientation, and the failure to take into account the variability of components of biological sex as a result of hormone-replacement therapy and surgical interventions. We provide recommendations on the separate collection of data on gender identity, sex assigned at birth, gender expression, and sexual orientation of transgender people. Finally, we discuss challenges in forming a representative sample of transgender individuals and give some recommendations.


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How to Cite
Kirey-SitnikovaY. (2022). Collection of demographic data on transgender respondents: methodological recommendations. Demographic Review, 9(1), 83-91.
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