Soviet prisoners of war: how many were there and how many came home?

  • Павел Маркович Полян Institute of geography, Russian academy of sciences (Russia)
Keywords: repatriation, Captivity, Soviet Prisoners of War, Soviet Prisoners of War of Jewish Origin, Holocaust, Mortality in Captivity, Compensation


The paper discusses the demographic aspects of the captivity of Red Army servicemen during World War II, such as the number of prisoners of war in Germany, Finland and Romania; the mortality rate in captivity; and data on repatriation. Soviet prisoners of war of Jewish ethnicity, who de facto became the first victims of the Holocaust after June 22, 1941, are considered as a separate subcategory.


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How to Cite
ПолянП. М. (2016). Soviet prisoners of war: how many were there and how many came home?. Demographic Review, 3(2), 43-68.