Simon Kuznets on demographic issues

  • Александр Александрович Ткаченко Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ
Keywords: migration, population, economic dynamics, demographic processes, income distribution, economic cycles, family, urbanization, innovations


The article discusses the main works of Simon Kuznets analyzing the relationship between demographic and economic growth. The article notes the special contribution of the scientist to the expansion of the System of National Accounts by the inclusion of a number of demographic indicators. Kuznets’ research in the field of population science and of the role of the population in economic dynamics goes back much further than is accepted by a number of Western scholars of economics. Particular attention is paid to the lack of information in Russia about the Nobel Laureate in Economics and to the paucity of translations of his fundamental works into Russian. The author concludes that Russian demographers studying the work of this scientist can promote the development of fundamental demo-economic research in Russia.


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How to Cite
ТкаченкоА. А. (2016). Simon Kuznets on demographic issues. Demographic Review, 3(1), 71-93.