Who has upset the ethnic balance in Russia?

  • Игорь Александрович Ефремов
Keywords: migration, assimilation, population census, colonization, depopulation, ethnic balance, repatriation, ethnos, primordialism


Comments on the article “Depopulation and its ethnical aspects in Russia” written by the noted Russian demographer Leonid L. Rybakovskiy. Given a situation in which the total fertility rate in Russia has been below the replacement rate for about the past fifty years, in which, moreover, a number of ethnic groups have still not completed the demographic transition, the topicality of such an article is clear. The author here is working in the contiguous fields of demography and ethnology, which makes his task much harder. He studies the problem on a global, country and regional level, with a special focus on a historic description of the relevant demographic and ethnic processes, of which the author shows both the dynamics and the spatial aspects. The combination of statistics and an emotionally charged assessment of demographic and ethnic processes bring the paper alive in a way which can leave no reader indifferent.  The article asks many important research questions, but unfortunately gives fewer answers.


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How to Cite
ЕфремовИ. А. (2016). Who has upset the ethnic balance in Russia?. Demographic Review, 3(1), 94-113. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v3i1.1765
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