An unnoticed contribution to demographic transition theory

  • Анатолий Григорьевич Вишневский Institute of Demography; Department of Demography; Laboratory of Social and Demographic Policies; Board of Tenured Professors
  • Марк Соломонович Тольц Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Israel
Keywords: demographic revolution, demographic transition, fertility, mortality, migration, history of demography, Alexander Kulisher [Alexandre Koulicher]


AlexanderKulischer [Alexandre Koulicher] (1890-1942), a former professor at Petrograd University (St. Petersburg, Russia) who emigrated to France after the Russian Revolution of October 1917, may be considered one of the pioneers of the theory ofdemographic transition. However, his contribution to the developmentof this theory has gonealmost unnoticedand underrated. This article presents an intellectual biography of Alexander Kulischer and analyzes his views on the demographic transition (demographic revolution), as he expressed them in his publications in German and in French in the early 1930s. Two of these forgotten publicationswritten in French are republished (in the language of the original and in a Russian translation) in the appendix to the article.


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How to Cite
ВишневскийА. Г., & ТольцМ. С. (2016). An unnoticed contribution to demographic transition theory. Demographic Review, 2(4), 6-34.
Theory and methodology