Recent trends in remittances: Russia and the world

  • Михаил Борисович Денисенко Department of Demography; Institute of Demography
  • Владимир Александрович Козлов Department of Demography
  • Асия Асфановна Фаттахова Laboratory of Social and Demographic Policies
Keywords: migration, remittances, remittances of migrants and development


The article presents a detailed description of global remittance trends and the factors influencing them. The authors focus on recent changes among leading countries in the sending and receiving of remittances and analyze the reasons for these changes. Moreover, the article sheds light on the role of remittances in the socio-economic development of poor countries. The article begins with an analysis of the sources of remittances, as there have been recent conceptual changes in the methods of calculating these flows. The authors pay special attention to money remittances in Russia and the factors of discrepancies between remittances as calculated by Central Bank and World Bank methodologies.


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How to Cite
ДенисенкоМ. Б., КозловВ. А., & ФаттаховаА. А. (2016). Recent trends in remittances: Russia and the world. Demographic Review, 2(3), 5-29.