A new explanation of the course of world history

  • Павел Милюков
  • Марк Соломонович Тольц Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Israel
Keywords: theory of migration, wars and migrations, Alexander Kulischer [Alexandre Koulicher] (1890-1942), Eugene [Eugen] Kulischer (1881-1956), Mikhail Kulisher [Michael Kulischer] (1847-1919)


This publication reproduces Pavel Milyukov’s detailed review of the classic book by A. Kulischer and Е. Kulischer, Kriegs-und Wanderzüge. Weltgeschichte als Völkerbewegung (Berlin - Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter. 1932). Milyukov, a famous Russian historian and politician, printed this review in the Russian language emigrant newspaper “Poslednie novosti” [Latest News], which had been published by him in Paris between the two world wars and is now almost inaccessible to contemporary readers. The republication of the review is supplemented with a preface and helpful explanations. The preface provides the history of the book and notes the role of the famous Russian historian and sociologist Mikhail Kulisher [Michael Kulischer], the father of the Kulischer brothers, in the development of the original theory of mass migration movements on which the book is founded. His more than forty-year effort in collecting materials about world migration, which were utilized in the book by his sons, is also recognized.


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How to Cite
МилюковП., & ТольцМ. С. (2015). A new explanation of the course of world history. Demographic Review, 2(2), 106-120. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v2i2.1785