The demographic transition: debate about theories of different levels

  • Наталия Викторовна Зверева Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: demographic revolution, fertility, mortality, population reproduction, demographic transition theory, demographic system, type of motivation of demographic behavior


The subject of the article are the problems of developing the theory of demographic transition (demographic revolution) arising from the confusion in demographic theory of the general and the specific features of population reproduction of countries, of its quantitative and qualitative changes, from the  need to develop a consistent overall demographic theory based on a multidisciplinary approach. The purpose of the work is, by analyzing the two main points of view in Russia on the theory of demographic transition, to show their internal contradictions.  The use of general philosophical methodology (analysis, synthesis, an integrated and interdisciplinary approach, the ratio of general and specific, historical and demographic generalizations makes it possible to interrelate this theory with the still unsolved problems of the interdisciplinary approach of human reproduction studies. It is shown that scientists are arguing about theories of different levels, and that the development of a general theory of population reproduction directly depends on the choice of strategies of its formation, the most important of which is the demographic-economic-historical-sociological approach.


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How to Cite
ЗвереваН. В. (2015). The demographic transition: debate about theories of different levels. Demographic Review, 2(1), 6-23.
Theory and methodology