Internal migration in Russia in the 2010s: macroregional features

  • Nikita Mkrtchyan Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and State Service
Keywords: migration statistics, Far East, North Zone, Centers of migration attraction, age of migrants, agglomerations


The article analyzes the largest migration flows within Russia based on data from internal migration in the years 2011-2020. It evaluates the outcomes of population movement between major regions of the country. The time frame of the study (2011-2020) is determined by changes in the methodology of migration accounting in Russia since 2011. These changes are associated with fluctuations in the annual migration volumes reported by Rosstat, as well as the influx and outflow of the population between specific regions and population groups, highlighting distinct age-related migration patterns. The calculations were conducted using individual de-identified migrant data, enabling the identification of initial registrations and so-called "auto-return" in each migration flow. The analysis is not limited to regional boundaries when identifying different parts of the country and specific migration "hotspots." The study's findings indicate that the scale of internal migration in Russia during the 2010s has remained relatively unchanged, with population movements between major regions remaining at similar levels to previous decades. The major attraction centers for migrants, such as the Moscow and St. Petersburg agglomerations, have solidified their positions. Migration primarily occurs among students and young working-age individuals, although in certain parts of the country there is a significant proportion of older individuals within the migration flows.


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How to Cite
Mkrtchyan N. (2023). Internal migration in Russia in the 2010s: macroregional features. Demographic Review, 10(3), 21-42.
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