Achievements of perinatal reform and the capacity for further reduction of infant mortality in Russia

  • Alla Makarentseva Institute for Social Analysis and Prediction, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Keywords: infant mortality, perinatal mortality, neonatal mortality, prematurity, three-tiered obstetric care system, criteria for live birth


The article reveals the dynamics of infant mortality in Russia after the so-called perinatal reform of 2012. Despite the achievement of low indicators in general (4.4 ppm in 2022), the proportion of post-neonatal mortality remains unreasonably high in the structure of infant mortality, and the proportion of neonatal mortality is significantly lower than in other developed countries. Analysis of causes of death shows that the contribution of preventable causes remains high. So, despite the fact that over the past decade, the main decrease in mortality occurred in the class "certain conditions arising in the perinatal period" (from 48.1 to 23.4 per 10,000 live births), the share of this class in the number of all deaths in the first year of life decreased slightly, from 56% to 51%. Based on the results of econometric analysis, the author claims that the presence of three-tiered obstetric care organizations makes a significant contribution to the reduction of infant mortality at the regional level. Analysis of the problem of preterm birth demonstrates its significant contribution to infant mortality rates. In conclusion, the author proposes a number of steps at the organizational and medical level, as well as in the expansion of the associated statistical and analytical capabilities in order to further reduce infant mortality in Russia.


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How to Cite
MakarentsevaA. (2023). Achievements of perinatal reform and the capacity for further reduction of infant mortality in Russia. Demographic Review, 10(3), 62-81.
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