Distinctive features of mortality in the suburban population (the case of the Irkutsk agglomeration)

  • Konstantin Grigorichev Irkutsk state university
Keywords: mortality, suburbs, suburbanization, Irkutsk agglomeration


The article is devoted to the analysis of the distinctive features of mortality in the suburban area, a typologically new for Russia space resulting from suburbanization processes starting in the late 1990s. The study is based on the case of the Irkutsk agglomeration, where for more than 15 years there has been an active formation of suburbia due to the migration of urban residents. This allows us to study the formation of the peculiarities of the demographic situation in the suburbanized zone, which is formed not as a result of urbanization migration from rural areas to the city, but as a consequence of the emergence of a new socio-spatial phenomenon.

We compare municipalities of the lowest level in the suburban area with the rest of the region by standardized (European model) indicators of mortality and life expectancy. We show that the mortality rate in the suburban area is significantly lower than in other municipalities. At the same time, only the capital’s suburban area has such specificity. Such differences are not observed in the areas adjacent to other major cities of the region. The role of migration inflow in the formation of suburban specificity is analyzed.

 At the same time, we assume that it is the differences in the suburban lifestyle (suburbanism) which determine the differences in suburban mortality, as reflected in the age structure of mortality and its causes. We conclude that in all age groups the mortality rate in the suburbs is noticeably lower than in other municipalities of the region, including the regional center. The structure of mortality by cause reflects a wider spread of self-preserving behavior and a reflexive attitude to health, leading to a significantly lower mortality rate in young and middle age groups from circulatory diseases, neoplasms, injuries, and to extremely low mortality from diseases caused by alcohol abuse.

Based on the analysis, we propose a hypothesis about the formation of a pronounced specificity of demographic processes in the suburbanized zone, which differ from the dominant trends in the region.


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How to Cite
Grigorichev K. (2023). Distinctive features of mortality in the suburban population (the case of the Irkutsk agglomeration). Demographic Review, 10(3), 82-102. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v10i3.17971
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