Fluctuating fertility trends in Uzbekistan: 1991-2021

  • Abduazim Abdurakhmanov Tashkent University of Finance
Keywords: Uzbekistan, fertility, total fertility rate


The article provides estimates of the main indicators of fertility in Uzbekistan in 1991-2021, obtained on the basis of published and unpublished official data from the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Interpretation of the contradictory changes in fertility that have taken place in recent decades requires in-depth sociological and statistical-demographic studies, which are clearly insufficient in the republic.

It is also necessary to conduct an expert assessment of the quality of the initial information on the size and composition of the population, the basis for which will be provided by the first general census of the population of independent Uzbekistan, scheduled for 2023.


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Абдураҳмонов Қ.Х. (2014). Демография. Дарслик. Ташкент: “IQTISODIYOT”.

How to Cite
Abdurakhmanov A. (2023). Fluctuating fertility trends in Uzbekistan: 1991-2021. Demographic Review, 10(3), 125-129. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v10i3.17973
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