What kind of family in Russia lives well? A study of the relationship between family decision-making and well-being

  • Yuri Omelchenko HSE University
  • Anton Nikolaev Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: Russia, structure of household, distribution of influence, family well-being, economic characteristics of spouses, gender roles, household management, HSE Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey


This paper examines the relationship between decision-making processes in Russian households and their well-being. The main focus is on the distribution of influence between spouses when making decisions and how this can affect the socio-economic well-being of the family. Using data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) conducted by HSE University from 2006 to 2010, the authors analyze the extent of husbands’ and wives’ influence on decision-making in various aspects of family life, such as savings management, everyday and large purchases, employment, children’s education and leisure time. It was found that families in Russia where men are more involved in household responsibilities have a higher logarithmic income. At the same time, families with a patriarchal management pattern assess their social status more positively. The authors do not observe a significant contribution of the distribution of influence between spouses in decision-making to life satisfaction at the household level. Overall, equal participation of spouses in decision-making contributes to an improvement in overall well-being through increased income.


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How to Cite
OmelchenkoY., & NikolaevA. (2024). What kind of family in Russia lives well? A study of the relationship between family decision-making and well-being. Demographic Review, 11(3), 102-120. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v11i3.22717
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