Interregional migration in Russia: age characteristics

Keywords: age, migration, inter-regional migration, the age profile, regions of Russia


The paper analyses the age structure of internal migration across Russian regions. We use data on the age of interregional migrants in the regions of Russia in 2011-2015 given for one-year age groups and data on the population size of the Russian regions by one-year age groups.
The regions were grouped into clusters (by the ratio of arrivals/departures per age group to the total number of migrants) using the method of k-means clustering with SPSS. The results of the analysis indicate that, as in other countries, the peak of migration is observed at young ages, which is explained by mass enrollment of school graduates in institutions of higher education. As people become older, their migration activity declines. In some cases, regions experience another migration peak in young old age groups: after retirement, people may move to a place more appropriate for 50-60-year-olds or return to their previous place of residence.
The analysis also revealed significant variations in age patterns of interregional migration, both for inflows (arrivals) and outflows (departures). These differences mainly concern the level of the migration peak at young ages and the presence of additional migration peaks at other ages.


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How to Cite
КарачуринаЛ. Б., & МкртчянН. В. (2017). Interregional migration in Russia: age characteristics. Demographic Review, 3(4), 47-65.