International migration in Russia (the USSR) during the end of the 19th‒ the first third of the 20th century. Part 1. International migration in Russia before 1914.

  • Валентина Михайловна Моисеенко Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: emigration, immigration, external passenger statistics, Russian citizens, foreigners, foreign passport, illegal migration


International migration in Russia (the USSR) during the end of the 19th ‒ the first third of the 20th century can be divided into three periods: the end of the 19th century to 1914, 1914-1921 and 1922-1930. International migration trends during the first period took the form of an increase in different forms of international mobility of the population. The sources of data on international migration in Russia at the time are discussed. The increased scale of movement of Russian nationals to European countries widened the base for the Europeanization of Russia. The social functions of migration were significant. At the same time, increased illegal migration, mainly of non-ethnic Russians, became a part of the flow of European overseas migration. Russian legislation did not recognize the change of Russian citizenship until 1917.  As in a number of European countries, in Russia the consequence of international migration consisted in the outflow of population from the country at a continuing high level of natural increase.


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How to Cite
МоисеенкоВ. М. (2017). International migration in Russia (the USSR) during the end of the 19th‒ the first third of the 20th century. Part 1. International migration in Russia before 1914. Demographic Review, 3(4), 66-81.
Historical demography