Determinants of the demographic transition in the Global South

  • Сергей Феликсович Иванов Independent expert
Keywords: demographic transition, population growth, child mortality, fecundity, reproductive behavior, insurance behavior, replacement behavior, demographic equilibrium, fertility, contraception, family planning, education, urbanization, sub-Saharan Africa


All countries of the global North completed the demographic transition; most of them are on the verge of imminent depopulation. Over the past two decades, they have been joined by three dozen countries of the global South (including China) with an aggregate population of 1.5 billion. Some developing countries of different continents (i.e. India) are in advanced transition phases, while in sub-Saharan Africa (in particular Nigeria) fertility remains at a very high level. Demographic explosion in the region will not be contained soon and by the end of the century its population may increase by another 1.8-4.5 billion people, which is fraught with destructive consequences. Reducing child mortality and modernizing the way of life promotes proactive numerical goal setting and forms the mechanisms for adapting the birth rate to the background level and individual experience of child loss, and also limits fecundity. This transformation creates the conditions for fertility decline. The downward trend depends on the dynamics of the number of desired (surviving) children and the possibilities of realizing this desire. In turn, the procreative goal is a function of socio-economic factors, including education, employment, urbanization, and also of not always quantifiable institutional and environmental conditions. Modern contraception provides effective means for achieving reproductive goals. The stunting of the demographic transition in many sub-Saharan countries is caused by the unfavorable values of all factors of fertility, and the continuation of the demographic explosion is likely to lead to grave consequences.


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How to Cite
ИвановС. Ф. (2017). Determinants of the demographic transition in the Global South. Demographic Review, 4(2), 6-52.