International migration in Russia (the USSR) during the end of the 19th ‒ the first third of the 20th century. Part 3. International migration in the USSR in 1923-1930

  • Валентина Михайловна Моисеенко Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: emigration, immigration, agricultural and industrial immigration, attraction of foreign technicians, potentiality of specialists, closed population


The third (last) part of the paper is devoted to an analysis of international migration for the period from 1923-1930. Despite its shortness, it saw considerable changes in international migration. These changes were caused by the New Economic Policy (NEP) and after that by industrialization. But ultimately, the main trend in migration policy was connected with the legislative confirmation of the country’s closure, despite the considerable emigration potential.


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How to Cite
МоисеенкоВ. М. (2017). International migration in Russia (the USSR) during the end of the 19th ‒ the first third of the 20th century. Part 3. International migration in the USSR in 1923-1930. Demographic Review, 4(2), 109-132.
Historical demography