The values of the elderly and the political consequences of the global aging of the population

  • Кирилл Новиков Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy
  • Дарья Быканова The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (The Presidential Academy, RANEPA)


The review is devoted to several problems in political and social gerontology, as well as to economic problems caused by global aging of the population. The text contains an analysis of the approaches of different authors to the definition of old age and its psychological, behavioral and social aspects. The problems of active aging, the social construction of stereotypes regarding the elderly and ageism are also considered. Two main approaches to studying the economic consequences of population aging are described: the first analyzes macro-level trends caused by shifts in the ratio of the working and retired population, while the second focuses on the economic behavior of the elderly, including their behavior on the labor, financial and consumer markets. The participation of international organizations in the study of economic issues related to world demographic changes is also described. The review focuses primarily on research devoted to the political consequences of the growing share of the elderly population in modern society, especially in developed democracies.  Also considered are approaches to describing the political activity of the elderly, including participation in elections, in protest actions, etc. Considerable attention is paid to the problem of the values of the elderly, especially their alleged conservatism. Some authors argue that the values of the elderly are associated with age-related changes of mind and body and therefore are age-related. Meanwhile, most contemporary researchers believe that values are developed in the process of socialization of the "political generations" and change little with ageing.  The question is also asked whether the elderly are transforming into a separate group having its own interests and able to impose its special agenda on society. Finally, the review presents the results of studies on the cognitive abilities of the elderly influencing their ability to make political and other decisions.


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How to Cite
НовиковК., & БыкановаД. (2017). The values of the elderly and the political consequences of the global aging of the population. Demographic Review, 4(3), 153-180.