Demographic digest

  • Илья Кашницкий National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Данил Аракелян National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Софья Ахманаева National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Анна Бежанишвили National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Никита Ганжа National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Наталия Клименко National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Юлия Лонщикова National Research University Higher School of Economics


  • Leopold T., M. Kalmijn. Is divorce more painful when couples have children? Evidence from Long-term panel data on multiple domains of well-being
  • Billari F.C., A.C. Liefbroer. Why still marry? The role of feelings in the persistence of marriage as an institution
  • Beaujouan E. Second unions now more stable than first? A comparison of separation risks by union order in France
  • Napierała J., A. Wojtyńska. Trapped in migrants’ sectors? Polish women in the Icelandic labour market
  • Bonenkamp J., L. Meijdam, E. Ponds, E. Westerhout. Ageing-driven pension reforms
  • Cools S., S. Markussen, M. Strøm. Children and careers: how family size affects parents’ labor market outcomes in the long run
  • McEwen C.A., B.S. McEwen. Social structure, adversity, toxic stress, and intergenerational poverty: an early childhood model
  • Auer D., G. Bonoli, F. Fossati. Why do immigrants have longer periods of unemployment? Swiss evidence
  • Glaeser E.L., B.M. Steinberg. Transforming cities: does urbanization promote democratic change?


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Leopold T., M. Kalmijn (2016). Is divorce more painful when couples have children? Evidence from long-term panel data on multiple domains of well-being // Demography. 53(6): 1717-1742.

Billari F.C., A.C. Liefbroer (2016). Why still marry? The role of feelings in the persistence of marriage as an institution // The British journal of sociology. 67(3): 516-540.

Beaujouan E. (2016). Second unions now more stable than first? A Comparison of separation risks by union order in France // European journal of population. 32(2): 293-321.

Napierała J., A. Wojtyńska (2017). Trapped in migrants’ sectors? Polish women in the Icelandic labour market // International migration. 55(1): 128–141.

Bonenkamp J., L. Meijdam, E. Ponds, E. Westerhout (2017). Ageing-driven pension reforms // Journal of population economics. 30(3): 953-976.

Cools S., S. Markussen, M. Strøm (2017). Children and careers: how family size affects parents’ labor market outcomes in the long run // Demography.

McEwen C.A., B.S. McEwen (2017). Social structure, adversity, toxic stress, and intergenerational poverty: an early childhood model // Annual review of sociology. 43(1): 445-472.

Auer D., G. Bonoli, F. Fossati (2017). Why do immigrants have longer periods of unemployment? Swiss evidence // International migration. 55(1): 157-174.

Glaeser E.L., B.M. Steinberg (2017). Transforming cities: does urbanization promote democratic change? // Regional studies. 51(1): 58-68.

How to Cite
КашницкийИ., АракелянД., АхманаеваС., БежанишвилиА., ГанжаН., КлименкоН., & ЛонщиковаЮ. (2017). Demographic digest. Demographic Review, 4(3), 190-207.
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