Demographic development in the post-Soviet states

Review of the book “Demographic development of post-Soviet space”

Keywords: post-Soviet states, USSR, demography, population changes, fertility, migration


This is a review of the book "Demographic Development of Post-Soviet Space", published in 2018 at the Centre for Population Studies, Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. The book is devoted to the demographic development of countries that emerged after the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The main emphasis in the book is on the study of the demographic processes of the post-Soviet countries over the past 25 years. The monograph analyzes population changes, fertility and migration, settlement patterns and urbanization, demographic policy and much more. The monograph takes a look at both the Soviet past, in chapters about migration history (starting in the 1950s), and its future, through different possible demographic forecasts for certain post-soviet countries (up to 2030). This review touches upon only a part of the monograph's broad range of topics; for more details, readers are referred directly to the text of the monograph.


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Bongaarts J., G.R. Potter (1983). Fertility, Biology and Behavior: An Analysis of the Proximate determinants. New York: Academic press. 230 p.

Demograficheskoe razvitie postsovetskogo prostranstva [Demographic development of Post-Soviet space] (2018). Sbornik statey i analiticheskikh materialov [Collection of articles and analytical materials] / M.B. Denisenko, V.V. Elizarov, R.V. Dmitriev, eds. Moscow: Lomonosov MSU. Ekonomicheskiy fakul'tet. 367 p. URL: (accessed: 20.07.2018).

How to Cite
ШульгинС. Г. (2018). Demographic development in the post-Soviet states. Demographic Review, 5(3), 153-160.