Spatial pulsations of the population of modern Russia

Review of the book «Between home and… home. Recurrent spatial mobility of the population in Russia»

Keywords: spatial mobility of population, urbanization, otkhodnichestvo, seasonal labor migration, dacha phenomenon, rural-urban continuum


The book, based on an analysis of all currently available data on migration in Russia, tells the reader about all the diversity of forms of spatial displacements that are not related to a change of permanent residence. Where does a person live, work and just spend time, without changing his address of residence?  What is the reason for these regular movements in space? Why is it no less important than the traditional understanding of migration as "moving" for a long time or for all time, to understand life in the country, its regions and settlements?  This is a far from complete list of the questions posed by the team of authors.


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Mezhdu domom i… domom. Vozvratnaya prostranstvennaya mobil'nost' naseleniya Rossii [Between home and… home. Reccurent spatial mobility of the population in Russia] (2016) / T.G. Nefedova, K.V. Averkieva, A.G. Makhrova, eds. Moscow: Novyy khronograf. 504 p.

How to Cite
МкртчянН. В. (2018). Spatial pulsations of the population of modern Russia. Demographic Review, 5(3), 161-165.