For fresh approaches to the socio-cultural integration of migrants

  • Ирина Павловна Цапенко Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: immigration, ethnocultural diversity, assimilation, multiculturalism, ew policies of civic integration, omniculturalism, polyculturalism, interculturalism


The article is devoted to an analysis of the main approaches taken by the global North States in their search for effective ways to manage cultural diversity.  It is shown that mass immigration from the global South disrupts the cultural mix of host societies, thus presenting serious threats of erosion of their national identity, fragmentation and socio-political destabilization aggravated by the recent migration crisis. The threats of further expansion of predominantly Muslim areas and the strengthening of Islam’s position in Europe are intertwined with the risks of a re-Christianization of this region by representatives of the southern currents of Christianity and the spread of archaic values and practices. The dominance in the US population of white Americans of European descent is being increasingly weakened by the rapidly growing communities of immigrants from Latin America and Asia with their foreign cultures. Neither assimilation, which ignores and suppresses cultural differences, nor the multiculturalism that has replaced it and both recognizes and promotes them, has been able to provide an effective response to the growth of diversity and to avoid the expansion of territorial segregation, cultural isolation of "parallel communities" and social dependency of their members. The assimilation approach is making a comeback on the wave of criticism of multiculturalism. At the same time, fresh integration concepts are being proposed. Omniculturalism emphasizes the commonality of human nature of different ethnic and racial groups, and polyculturalism – the intersection of their stories and relationships, but the practical implementation of both models can have only a limited and controversial effect. Interculturalism, which relies on the readjustment of the city's management system and social structures to the conditions of diversity and the establishment of constructive intercultural interaction from below, has already proven effective at a local level.  However, the results of such initiatives are modest and fragile. This makes the prospects for interculturalism uncertain until it is tested at the national level.


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How to Cite
ЦапенкоИ. П. (2019). For fresh approaches to the socio-cultural integration of migrants. Demographic Review, 5(4), 125-149.
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