Using the World Population Policies Database to study internal migration policy

Keywords: internal migration, population policy, migration policy, resettlement, database, UN


This paper investigates the use of the United Nations World Population Policies Database for research on internal migration policy. Internal migration is more extensive and, perhaps, even more significant for the economic, political, social and cultural development of society than international migration. Internal migration policy is not always singled out as an independent factor, but is generally treated as a part of other types of policies.

In order to summarize the experience of different countries, conduct international comparisons and identify regional and global tendencies in the implementation of policies on internal migration, the World Population Policy Database can be used. The database contains regularly updated information on the situation and trends in the implementation of population policy for all UN member states and some other territories. The main source of information is the official responses of the governments of these countries and territories to regularly distributed inquiries of the UN Population Division.

The database provides access to information about population policy and some demographic and socio-economic indicators from 1976 to 2015. The web interface makes it possible to create maps and graphs and to download datasets of policy data in the Excel format, and also contains sections with the latest publications that use the database and useful links (including links to other demographic databases). At the same time, it should be noted that the potential of the database on population policy for Russian studies on internal migration has not been adequately exploited.


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How to Cite
АбылкаликовС. И. (2019). Using the World Population Policies Database to study internal migration policy. Demographic Review, 5(4), 150-164.
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