Long-term analysis of the features of occupational injury recording and reporting in Russia

  • Galina Tikhonova Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health» (FSBSI «RIOH»)
  • Anastasia Churanova Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health» (FSBSI «RIOH»)
Keywords: external causes of mortality, occupational injuries


External causes are one of the leading classes in the structure of excess mortality of working-age men. In Russia, the numbers both of hazardous jobs  and fatalities at work due to accidents are high. Occupational injuries (OI) are differentiated into total and fatal OI.

There has been a steady decrease in the frequency of occupational injuries in despite deteriorating working conditions for several decades. The ratio of OI in 2015 was 1,3‰ in Russia and 7,6-29,5‰ in most European countries. Based on the experience of developed countries, the International Labor Organization recommends using the ratio of total OI to 1 fatal OI, equal to 500-1000:1, to estimate the probable number of total OI in countries with poor recording. The feasibility of using this parameter for Russia was confirmed by historical analysis. A ratio close to modern European indicators was reached in Russia in 1904-1930. In 2016, it was only 21:1. Taking into account the recommended ratio, the number of people injured at work could be 1.0-2.1 million, compared to the 39.9 thousand officially registered.

The Demographic Policy Concept in Russia provides for the reduction of working-age mortality by improving working conditions and labour protection, including the implementation of a new labour protection management system based on the assessment of occupational risks. OI is one of the two official statistical indicators of workers’ health. Mass concealment of industrial accidents hinders the creation of an adequate database and sound administrative decision-making.


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How to Cite
TikhonovaG., & ChuranovaA. (2019). Long-term analysis of the features of occupational injury recording and reporting in Russia. Demographic Review, 6(2), 142-164. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v6i2.9875
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