HIV in trans*population: local case study

  • Yael Demedetskaya Transgender Foundation
  • Boris Denisov Gender Dynamics Research
  • Alisa Lapitskaya Gender Dynamics Research
Keywords: trans*, transgender, LGBT, HIV/AIDS, HIV infection, sample survey


The article presents the results of a sample survey of 224 trans* people carried out in 2017 by the Gender Dynamics Research (GDR) group. The survey revealed a very high degree of HIV prevalence of the group. In addition, the survey revealed a very low level of knowledge and awareness of HIV infection and methods of its spread in the population. Sources of knowledge about HIV are more or less standard. Attitudes toward the fact of infection and possible infection can be characterized as indifferent or inadequate, which is likely determined by severe stigmatization of the group and a high level of discrimination experienced by it. The state is not coping with the spread of HIV infection.


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How to Cite
DemedetskayaY., DenisovB., & LapitskayaA. (2019). HIV in trans*population: local case study. Demographic Review, 6(3), 85-97.
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