Странная рецензия
Статья представляет собой ответ на критические замечания Сергея Максудова «Больше или меньше?», опубликованные в Демографическом обозрении в 2015 году в адрес моей книги «Цена войны. Людские потери на советско-германском фронте», изданной в 2013 году.
Erin M.E. (2005). Sovetskie voennoplennye v nacistskoj Germanii 1941-1945 gg. Problemy issledovaniya [Soviet prisoners of war in Nazi Germany 1941-1945. Research problems]. Yaroslavl: YarGU. 178 p.
Grif sekretnosti snyat. Poteri vooruzhennykh sil SSSR v voynakh, boyevykh deystviyakh i voyennykh konfliktakh [Secrecy label removed. Casualties of the armed forces of the USSR in wars, hostilities and military conflicts] (1993). G.F.Krivosheev, ed. Moscow: Voenizdat. 370 p.
Guderian G. (2001). Vospominaniya soldata [Memories of a soldier]. Smolensk: Rusich.
Ivlev I.I. (2012). «… A v otvet tishina ‒ on vchera ne vernulsya iz boya!» [… Silence as a response - yesterday he did not return from the battle!] // sb. Umylis' krov'yu? [Bloody war] Moscow: Yauza. Eksmo: 260-509.
Ivlev Yu.V. (1992). Logika. Uchebnik [Logic. Textbook]. Moscow: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta. 270 p.
Krivosheev G.F. (1995). Ob itogah statisticheskih issledovanij poter' Vooruzhennyh Sil SSSR v Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne [On the results of statistical researches concerning the losses of the Soviet armed forces in the Great Patriotic War] // Lyudskie poteri SSSR v Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne [Casualties of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War]. Saint Petersburg.
Litvinenko V.V. (2013). Cena vojny. Lyudskie poteri na sovetsko-germanskom fronte [The price of the war. Casualties on the Soviet-German front]. Moscow: Veche. 288 p.
Maksudov S. (1993). O frontovyh poteryah Sovetskoj armii v gody Vtoroj mirovoj vojny [The Soviet army front losses in the World War II] // Svobodnaya mysl' [Free thought]. 10: 117-119.
Maksudov S. (2015). Bol'she ili men'she? [More or less?] // Demograficheskoe obozrenie [Demographic review]. 2 (1): 148-165. URL: https://demreview.hse.ru/2015--1/163584304.html (accessed: 10.01.2016).
Mikhalev S.N. (2000). Lyudskie poteri v Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne 1941-1945 gg. Statisticheskoe issledovanie [Casualties in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Statistical research]. Krasnoyarsk: RIO KGPU.
Mueller-Gillebrand B. (1976). Suhoputnaya armiya Germanii 1933-1945 gg. T.3. Vojna na dva fronta [German land force 1933-1945. Vol.3. Two-front war]. Moscow:Voenizdat. 416 p.
Nadezhdin I. (2005). Poteryannye milliony [Lost millions] // Itogi [The outcome]. 19.
Overmans R. (1999). Deutsche Militarische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Munchen: R. Oldenbourg Verlag.
Sokolov B.V. (2005). Cena pobedy i mify Velikoj Otechestvennoj [The price of the victory and myths of the Great Patriotic War] // Velikaya vojna: trudnyj put' k pravde. Interv'yu, vospominaniya, stat'i [The Great War: a difficult way to truth. Interviews, memories, articles]. Seriya "AIRO" – nauchnye doklady i diskussii [AIRO – scientific reports and discussions]. Vyp. [Issue] 17: 53-71.
Urlanis B.Ts. (1960). Vojny i narodonaselenie Evropy. Lyudskie poteri vooruzhennyh sil evropejskih stran v vojnah XVII – XX vv. (Istoriko-statisticheskoe issledovanie) [Wars and European population. Casualties of the armed forces of the European countries in wars of XVII - XX centuries]. Moscow: Sotsekgiz. 568 p.
Velikaya Otechestvennaya bez grifa sekretnosti. Kniga poter' [The Great Patriotic War without secrecy label. The book of losses] (2010) / G.F. Krivosheev, V.M. Andronnikov, P.D Burikov, V.V. Gurkin, eds. Moscow: Veche. 384 p.
Zemskov V.N. (1995). Repatriaciya sovetskih grazhdan i ih dal'nejshaya sud'ba [Repatriation of Soviet citizens and their further destiny] // Sociologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Research]. 5: 3-13.