Fertility intentions in Russia: motivation and constraints

  • Tatiana Gudkova National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: fertility, fertility intentions, expected family size, desired family size, large family, childbearing motivations, postponement of childbearing, Russia


This article examines the role of the various factors that influence the decision to have a child. The focus is on the reasons for deciding to have or not to have a (another) child and the socio-economic and socio-psychological factors influencing the postponement of childbearing.

A quantitative and qualitative assessment suggests that the desired family size in Russia remains relatively stable: women and men desire, on average, two children. The expected family size among Russian women and men also remains high, on average, nearly two children. The data of focus groups revealed an increasing polarization between those who intend to have only one child and those who intend to have a large family.

The study identified the main motivations to have another child - parents want their children not to feel lonely and to learn to care for the younger children. This provides, according to parents, more guarantees of support from children in old age. No less important are the intentions of men and women to strengthen their families and the desire of the spouse / partner to have another child. A family’s economic and social capabilities and support from the government are essential in realizing fertility intentions. Socio-psychological factors, such as marital/ partnership instability and unwillingness of a spouse / partner to have a (another) child, have a key impact on the postponement of childbearing.


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How to Cite
GudkovaT. (2019). Fertility intentions in Russia: motivation and constraints. Demographic Review, 6(4), 83-103. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v6i4.10428
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