Migration in the Post-Soviet spase
Review of the book «Migration from the Newly Independent States: 25 years after the collapse of the USSR»
The monograph by a large group of authors from different countries, edited by M. Denisenko, M. Light and S. Strozza, contains a comprehensive analysis of the development of migration processes in the newly independent states that formed on the territory of the former USSR. Using a wide range of sources, it looks at the scale, trends and factors of migration, the socio-demographic characteristics of migrants and the situation of migrants in host countries. Much attention is paid to the research on the impact of migration on the countries of origin and destination of migrants.
Tangi A. (2010). Razmyshleniye o migratsii v postsovetskikh gosudarstvakh [Thinking about migration in post-Soviet States]. Antropologicheskiy forum, 13, 323-344. (In Russ.). URL: http://anthropologie.kunstkamera.ru/files/pdf/013/13_tinguy.pdf
Denisenko M., Chudinovskikh O. (2012). Migratsii mezhdu stranami SNG [Migration between CIS countries]. Demoskop Weekly, 533-534. (In Russ.). URL: http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0533/analit04.php
Denisenko M., Light M., Strozza S. (Eds.) (2020). Migration from the Newly Independent States: 25 Years After the Collapse of the USSR. Societies and Political Orders in Transition. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.