Body mass index dynamics of Russian men and women: age–period–cohort analysis

  • Andrey Aistov National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Ekaterina Aleksandrova National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Farida Garipova National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: overweight, public health, Russia, panel data, RLMS-HSE


Using the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring survey (RLMS-HSE) 1994–2018 thes paper presents assessments of the individual dynamics of body mass index (BMI) of Russian men and women for 1994-2018. The panel data made it possible to assess the individual dynamics of respondents' BMI without a significant contribution of the cross-sectional component to the age profile of BMI that could take place within the framework of some age–period–cohort econometric models. Empirical estimates revealed a monotonic increase in the BMI of men in 2001–2011. We show that the BMI of women grows during their life up to 60 years old, and that of men – up to about 40 years old. It was also revealed that there is a tendency for the growth of BMI in younger generations of men. For women, this growth is replaced by a decline that began with the generation of women born in 1950. The estimates of the BMI profiles of men and women in three dimensions (age–period–cohort) obtained in this paper can serve the purposes of improving policy in the field of public health protection.


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How to Cite
AistovA., AleksandrovaE., & GaripovaF. (2021). Body mass index dynamics of Russian men and women: age–period–cohort analysis. Demographic Review, 8(1), 44-80.
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