Sex imbalances in long-term migration flows in Russia

  • Nikita Mkrtchyan National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: population migration, migration statistics, international migration, internal migration, intraregional migration, age and sex structure of migrants


Based on Rosstat data, the distribution of long-term migration flows in Russia by gender was analyzed for the period from 2004 to 2020, taking into account differences in individual age groups. There is a clear predominance of men of working age in international migration in Russia. Disproportions grew after the change in the accounting methodology in 2007 and especially after 2011, leading not only to a change in the scale of recorded long-term migration, but also to a radical change in its sex and age structure.

By the end of the period under review, the disparities persisted, but their scale decreased significantly. Overall, intracountry migrations do not show gender disparity. However, at young ages, women are more active, especially in the flow of intraregional migration. The change in approaches to accounting for internal long-term migrants in 2011, which led to a change in their age profile, had virtually no effect on their gender distribution. Attempts have been made to explain the unequal participation of men and women in migration, but these features require further study. Given their significance, the dynamics of the age and sex composition of migrants must be taken into account in a timely manner in forecasting, along with regular adjustments of general forecast hypotheses.


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How to Cite
MkrtchyanN. (2021). Sex imbalances in long-term migration flows in Russia. Demographic Review, 8(3), 6-19.
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