The structure of directly related alcohol mortality In Russia from 2011 to 2021
The aims of this paper are to study the structure of mortality from directly related alcohol mortality (mortality causes with the word "alcohol" in the name) and life expectancy losses in Russia in 2011-2021 years.
Despite the general trend towards a decrease in directly related alcohol mortality, its increase was observed twice in the studied time interval. In 2014-2015 it was presumably due to the weakening of anti-alcohol policies; in 2020, most likely to social tensions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The highest rates of directly related alcohol mortality in 2011-2021 are consistently observed at the age of 40-65 years. The most noticeable decrease that occurred was also observed in these ages; more than 70% of directly related alcohol deaths in 2021 were in working age.
The structure of causes of death in the studied period changed insignificantly. The leading cause is consistently accounted for by alcoholic cardiomyopathy, which is about a third of the structure of directly related alcohol mortality. This is followed by alcohol poisoning and alcoholic liver disease. Together, these three causes of death account for more than 80% of directly related alcohol mortality. In the structure of female mortality, compared with men the share of alcoholic liver disease is higher; and in the structure of male mortality, compared with women alcohol poisoning is higher. Losses in life expectancy as a result of directly related alcohol mortality averaged 0.58 years per year from 2011-2021. It is important to bear in mind that mortality directly related to alcohol is only a small part of all mortality associated with alcohol consumption.
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