Mobilizing single mothers: demographic policy in the post-war USSR

  • Ella Rossman independent expert
Keywords: fertility, demographic policy, 1944 Family Law, family, gender, single motherhood, abortion, Khrushchev, World War II, USSR


A review of a monograph by Mie Nakachi devoted to the study of Soviet demographic policy under Stalin and Khruschev based on previously hidden archival data, which reveals that decisions made during and after World War II under the rubrics ‘family law’ and pronatalism created a society of broken marriages, ‘fatherless’ children, and abortion culture. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn not only about reproduction behaviors in the context of demographic disaster but also about the inner workings of Soviet policy makers.


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How to Cite
Rossman E. (2022). Mobilizing single mothers: demographic policy in the post-war USSR. Demographic Review, 9(2), 119-122.