The transformation of immigrant values in the context of their cultural integration: attitudes towards divorce and premarital sexual relations
The article is devoted to the study of the attitude of immigrants from post-Soviet countries in Russia to the values of individual choice (indicators of sexual liberalization) using the example of the permissibility of divorce and sexual relations before marriage, as well as their comparison with similar attitudes of Russians. The empirical base of the study is represented by a survey of migrants from post-Soviet countries in Russia (2020, 700 respondents), as well as data from the seventh wave of the World Values Survey (2017). Regression modeling is used to identify factors that influence the conservativeness of views on divorce and premarital sexual relations. It is shown that for both immigrants and Russians, the predictors of intolerance to these events are gender (partially for Russians), age, level of education, position in the labor market (partially for immigrants), marital status, and religion. Material well-being for both groups has no connection with the ideas being studied. The expanded regression specifications for immigrants suggest that how long ago a person arrived is positively related only to the liberality of views on the permissibility of divorce, but not of premarital sex. At the same time, the desire to connect one's life with Russia reduces the likelihood of extremely conservative views on both phenomena. The formation of a Russian identity is a predictor of a more liberal attitude towards divorce, and a strong ethnic and religious identity is a factor in intolerance towards both divorce and premarital sexual relations. It is concluded that the predictors of the transformation of the value orientations of immigrants in Russia are not the length of residence and economic well-being, but the level of education, the formation of a sense of community with the host society and the desire to link their future life with Russia.
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