Gender differences in the feeling of the school safety among teenagers aged 14-17

  • Marina Vyrskaya Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Keywords: sense of safety, school life, teenagers, child wellbeing, adolescent health, bullying


The presented work is based on data collected as part of the Child Wellbeing Survey (Spring 2022) among schoolchildren in eight regions of the country. The author puts forward a hypothesis according to which a teenager's sense of security is associated with his/her gender and, depending on gender, has different predictors. The hypothesis is tested by linear regression on the total sample and two sub-samples – boys (n=29621) and girls (n=38718) aged 14-17 years. As a result of the analysis, the hypothesis is only partially confirmed: the feeling of safety at school depends on the gender of the adolescent – boys feel more secure than girls, but other controls do not depend on gender. Thus, the most significant factors in the feeling of safety at school for both boys and girls are the attitude of classmates, bullying, the presence of close friends and the health of the respondent. However, in the case of girls, health and the presence of close friends are more significant for a sense of security, and in the case of boys – bullying.


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How to Cite
VyrskayaM. (2022). Gender differences in the feeling of the school safety among teenagers aged 14-17. Demographic Review, 9(4), 126-137.
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