Does demography need a unified theory?

  • Natalia Kalmykova Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: unified demographic theory, demographic transition, demographic dividend, demographic forecasting, population reproduction


In the book "Advanced Introduction to Demography" V. Lutz consistently outlines the structure of the unified demographic theory proposed by him, and based on the basis of the concept of multidimensional demography. The unified theory, from the author's point of view, combines three demographic theories: demographic metabolism, demographic transition and demographic dividend. Using examples for different countries and historical periods, Lutz demonstrates the new possibilities of a unified theory, including its application to forecasting demographic structures and justifying demographic policy.

The review examines the main ideas devoted to the construction of a unified theory, while the book itself is much more multifaceted, and will be of interest not only to demographers, but also to sociologists and economists. Due to the fact that the book contains numerous links to textbooks, databases, and applied research, it can serve as a guide for novice demographers.


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Lutz W. (2021). Advanced Introduction to Demography. Edward Elgar Publishing

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Wunsch G. (1995). Why demographers need theory? In EaPS-IUSSP (Ed.), Evolution or Revolution, in European Population (pp. 201-224), European Population Conference, Milan, Franco-Angeli.

How to Cite
KalmykovaN. (2022). Does demography need a unified theory? . Demographic Review, 9(4), 160-166.