Cohort total fertility in demographic projections: a comparative analysis of the prospects for fertility changes in the countries of the former USSR

  • Pavel Kishenin HSE University
Keywords: demographic transition, theories of low fertility, models of fertility convergence, long-term demographic projections, total period and cohort fertility


The research paper analyzes the dynamics of total (completed) fertility of real female generations in the countries of the former USSR in the long-term demographic projections of the world’s leading international organizations.

In international practice, fertility projections are usually based on period indicators (of hypothetical/synthetic cohorts), but fluctuations in the timing of childbearing and changes in fertility patterns by the age of women and by the number of children born can significantly distort the picture of the common indicators of cross-sectional analysis. In this regard, it is important to consider how fertility changes in birth cohorts of women (in real generations), and how it can change in the future, based on certain assumptions about the expected changes in period age-specific fertility rates (for calendar periods of time).

As part of the study, it was confirmed that the demographic projections of all organizations can be divided into two groups, according to the fertility convergence models used: one group is the medium variants of IIASA, IHME and the World Bank/Eurostat projections, suggesting lower fertility, while the other group is the medium variant WPP-2022 of the UN Population Division, suggesting higher fertility. An intermediate position between these groups is represented by the projection of the US Census Bureau.

The paper shows that the projections of all organizations assume the convergence of fertility in hypothetical and birth cohorts both in the whole world and in the countries of the former USSR, but the UN medium variant demonstrates the discrepancy between models of fertility convergence between hypothetical and birth cohorts due to insufficient consideration of the evolution of the fertility patterns of women by age and by the number of children born.  As this shortcoming is gradually eliminated, the projections of the UN Population Division are coming more into line with those of other projected fertility convergence models.


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How to Cite
Kishenin P. (2023). Cohort total fertility in demographic projections: a comparative analysis of the prospects for fertility changes in the countries of the former USSR. Demographic Review, 10(1), 79-107.
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