The modest results of the pronatalist policy against the background of long-term evolution of fertility in Russia.Part 1

  • Сергей Владимирович Захаров Institute of Demography; Department of Demography; Center for Demographical Studies
Keywords: fertility, fertility projections, birth order, period fertility, cohort fertility, demographic policy, pronatalist family policy in Russia


The idea of the extraordinary growth of fertility in Russia is widespread in the Russian expert community and media space. This increase is believed to be indicative of the positive results of the special financial measures taken by the State after 2006 in order to stimulate the rise of fertility level.

The author's viewpoint is more reserved. There are some positive developments, but their significance is quite insufficient to face the pink glasses on the future of Russian fertility and reproduction of population of the country.

With this paper, the author continues his previous long-term research in the field of in-depth demographic analysis of Russian fertility involving the latest official statistical data for 2014. The paper provides an overview of the trends of key fertility indicators in a few decades, as well as develops some methodological issues of the cohort fertility analysis in order to obtain more reliable projections.

The article consists of two interrelated parts.

In the first part, presented in this issue of the Journal, the author examines period fertility indicators (for calendar years), taking into account the latest changes in the structural characteristics of the Russian model of fertility that have occurred over the past several decades.

In the second part of the article, which will be presented in the next issue of the Journal, the author analyses cohort fertility indicators of generations of women, whose the actual and the expected reproductive activity has occurring in the second half of the XX - the first decades of the XXI century.


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How to Cite
ЗахаровС. В. (2016). The modest results of the pronatalist policy against the background of long-term evolution of fertility in Russia.Part 1. Demographic Review, 3(3), 6-38.
Population policy