Influence of demographic transformation in the system of private intergenerational transfers

  • Анна Алексеевна Миронова International Research and Teaching Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research; Centre for Family Policy and Quality of Life Studies
Keywords: family, intergenerational transfers, interfamily transfers, demographic changes, households


This article discusses the implications of demographic changes for the system of private intergenerational transfers. It considers the basic demographic factors of private intergenerational transfers, including changes of the population age structure, the abundance of divorces and remarriages, the high level of migration activity and the process of nuclearization, and analyzes their influence on the system of private intergenerational transfers.


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How to Cite
МироноваА. А. (2016). Influence of demographic transformation in the system of private intergenerational transfers. Demographic Review, 3(3), 80-99.