The use of population registers for recording and analysis of cohabitation

  • Екатерина Алексеевна Третьякова Institute for Social Analysis and Prediction, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Алла Олеговна Макаренцева Institute for Social Analysis and Prediction, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Keywords: data sources, cohabitation, population registers, marriages


This paper discusses the possibilities and limitations of using population registers to study the trends of nuptiality, focusing mainly on the registration of different types of cohabitation. The paper describes European practice in recording them (registered partnerships, cohabitation agreements). The article is essentially an overview, revealing the distinctive features of the functioning of modern population registers in developed countries, which are rich in opportunities for researching the demographic behavior of a population. Their advantages include coverage of all the population in the region, up-to-date data and the opportunity for longitudinal analysis of family relations. The authors reveal the main methodological problems of using population registers for the study of cohabitation and the solutions to these problems – information about the addresses of people and data about their children in common. The paper identifies the differences in methodology of registers in different countries, for instance registration of foreign citizens.

The article presents an overview of foreign research which uses register data for studying the institution of the family: estimates of the prevalence of cohabitation, its duration, factors of formation and dissolution and the impact of type of partnership on reproductive behavior and life expectancy.


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How to Cite
ТретьяковаЕ. А., & МакаренцеваА. О. (2016). The use of population registers for recording and analysis of cohabitation. Demographic Review, 3(3), 147-169.
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