Demographic consequences of the Great Patriotic War

  • Анатолий Григорьевич Вишневский Institute of Demography; Department of Demography; Laboratory of Social and Demographic Policies
Keywords: generations involved in the war, military losses, consequences of the war, cost of the victory, gender imbalance


75 years have passed since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, yet its demographic consequences, felt by Russia throughout all of this time, even now have not been completely overcome. The article traces the fate of the generations who fought (those born between 1890-1926), using general census data starting with the 1939 census. It is shown that 82% of women and only 53% of men registered in the 1939 census survived until 1959.  The resulting gender imbalance caused a sharp increase in the proportion of single women as a result of widowhood, and due to a shortage of suitors in the marriage market, the share of non-marital births increased significantly. The war set in motion an oscillating cycle of the annual number of births which continues to this day. A relatively small number of deaths in the postwar decades, due to the fact that a huge number of people killed during the war did not live to a normal age of death, created the illusion of a safe balance of births and deaths in the 1970’s-1980's. Cyclical fluctuations in the size of generations induced by the war resulted in wave-like dynamics of the working population and demographic burden, complicating the functioning of the labor market and the implementation of economic and social programs, the effects of which are felt even at present, for example, in the dynamics of pension contingents.

The author discusses the reasons for the huge military losses and suggests that, if the war had not been preceded by erroneous decisions on part of the country’s political leaders, these losses could have been much smaller.


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How to Cite
ВишневскийА. Г. (2016). Demographic consequences of the Great Patriotic War. Demographic Review, 3(2), 6-42.