Prevalence of tobacco consumption in the Russian Federation: analysis of trends in 2019 - 2022

  • Nikolay Stadnik Federal State Statistics Service
  • Svetlana Nikitina Federal State Statistics Service
  • Galina Sakharova Russian Research Institute of Health
  • Nikolay Antonov Russian Research Institute of Health
  • Oleg Salagay Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Keywords: Russia, tobacco consumption, behavioral risk factors, electronic cigarettes, Rosstat Sample Survey of the Health Condition of the Population


This study proposes a method to assess the dynamics of tobacco and nicotine consumption in Russia by age, gender and regions based on the data of the Sample Survey of the Health Condition of the Population conducted by Rosstat in 2019-2022. The data source is the microdata databases of the Survey. The assessment of the dynamics of tobacco and nicotine consumption is based on the analysis of trends obtained by linear approximation of time series of data in all necessary dimensions. The direction and pace of trends were estimated by the coefficients of the computed models, and their statistical significance was estimated by the value of the coefficient of determination.

In the country as a whole, 2019-2022 can be characterized as a period of reduction in the prevalence of tobacco/nicotine consumption. At the same time, there were two opposite trends: a decrease in the prevalence of smoking tobacco consumption with a simultaneous increase in the prevalence of e-cigarette consumption. The former was mostly due to the dynamics among men while the latter was of comparable proportions for both sexes.

In a number of regions and socio-demographic groups, the growth of e-cigarette consumption turned out to be larger than of ‘traditional’ smoking tobacco consumption, which is why the prevalence of tobacco consumption in general, contrary to the general trend, was growing for those groups.

The study made it possible to identify regions of the country with unfavorable dynamics of tobacco and nicotine consumption where it is necessary to develop and implement additional measures to reduce the prevalence of tobacco/nicotine consumption, including those aimed at specific population groups.


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How to Cite
Stadnik N., Nikitina S., Sakharova G., Antonov N., & Salagay O. (2024). Prevalence of tobacco consumption in the Russian Federation: analysis of trends in 2019 - 2022. Demographic Review, 11(1), 37-60.
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